Saturday, May 30, 2009

My favourite piece of technology...

My favourite piece of technology is the remote control, I know, it's not something very modern, but it's the best thing invented by human been. This thing is just for the lazy people, like me. It’s great being able to change channels when we are over our bed or sat in our favourite sofa. Our TVs, stereos, DVD player’s even things like lighting can work with a remote control. When we lose the remote control, we can search it for whole room tirelessly, but, we aren't able to walk to the TV and push the buttons of the panel.
I remember that I used a remote control for the first time when I was 8 or 9 years old, and from there always I have had at least one remote control.
Now I have four remote controls in my room. The first one is of the TV, the second one is of the DVD player, the third one is of the stereo and the fourth one is of the TV card of my pc. Even my cell phone can be used like a remote control with devices that have Bluetooth.
Is not necessary to say that I use a remote control every day when I watch TV or when I listen to music. All of us have used a remote control in our lives, and we know how to use it. You only have to push a button, pointing the remote control to the TV, stereo, DVD player, or the device that you want. I can’t imagine life without the remote control. I would have to walk to change the channels or to raise the stereo’s volume. That would be terrible!!!


  1. Chino!!! I never think in this!!!
    Is very important this object!!!
    I can't live without him!!!
    I agree absolutely!!!
    see you soon!

  2. hi Arturo
    I have the same thougth
    The remote control is one of the most important things that somebody created

  3. hi Arturo: you are right, the remote control does more easy the life.
    bye, see you.
